
Need of Teams and groups

Capabilities Of Teams And Groups

The following topic focuses on the Capabilities Of Teams And Groups and the understanding of the theories that are related to the team and groups. It is witnessed that in every work, sector teams and groups are present and the work functions through the employees working in the team. Moreover, it should be taken into consideration that every members of the team should be cooperative. It is because it is through proper cooperation being maintained in the team the quality work could be obtained by the office from the working of the teams and the groups. Moreover, there should be coordination being maintained in the team so that the work that would be performed by the team could be done smoothly. Moreover, the work could be completed on time without any haste. The topic further concentrates on several theories and models that are to be followed by the teams and the groups functioning their work in the office so that potential outcome could be obtained from the working of the team. It further concentrates on the development of the plan that would help to complete the work on time.

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Understanding of the key terms, theories capabilities and concepts presented

Team members refers to the members those who work together in a team in an office towards a specific goal. The team members make sure that there is cooperation and coordination being maintained in the team among the members of the team. On the other hand, the group refers to the two or more people who shares a similar interest and follows the interest to attain the goal. In both the aspects, the common goal is focused and the members work together coordinately to make sure that the goal is attained easily. Therefore, it could be said in an office, there is a necessity to maintain the group and the team so that the work could be functioned in a proper manner. On the other hand, it is with the proper functioning of the work the quality work could be attained by the team and the groups that are performing their task to attain the goal (Masuda, 2016).

Moreover, the theories such as the Thomas kilmann instrument, the johari window and the belbin’s team role. It is through the understanding of the three diagnostic tools that would be discussed would help the team and the groups to function in a more appropriate manner (Bleakley, 2013). On the other hand, it is through the practice of the three diagnostic tools it would further enable the strong point of the teams and the groups to be attained easily. the strong points involves the satisfaction of the work that is done in the office. Apart from that, the quality work would be obtained in a more appropriate manner. Further work that is going to be performed would be completed on time. On the other hand, theb team members would maintain proper cooperation and coordination so that the actual goal of the organization could be reached easily. Thus, it is with the following of the three diagnostic tools the proper admiration for the work could be easily framed and the delay of work could be avoided easily (Masuda, 2016).

Therefore, it could be clearly be stated it is through the team and the groups have an appropriate capability to perform its action in a quality manner such the actual work could be obtained by the office easily (Bleakley, 2013).

Understanding of diagnostic tools

The three-diagonistic tools that the topic team and groups deals with are as follows:

The johari window

It is though the help of the johari window the communication and understanding between the team members could be easily formulated in the work sector. It is with the help of proper understanding being developed between the team members then easy work going could be obtained by the office. On the other hand, the building of trust could also be formulated among the team members and the quality of work that is performed by the team could be made better with the passage of the days (Bleakley, 2013).

Moreover, by obtaining feedback from the others the understanding of an individual’s own, self could be possible and the individual could correct the issues that come in the way. Therefore, it could be stated that it from the understanding of the johari window the proper understanding and the trust could be gained among the members in the work sector. Together with that, it is with the help of the johari window the self-discloser could be obtained by an individual and a proper relationship between the members could be framed easily. along with that encouragement and acceptance could further be framed among the members and proper work could be functioned between the members in the office (Bleakley, 2013).

The main goal of the johari window is to build the trust among the members and to keep up the good relation being maintained between the members of the team so that proper work functioning could be facilitated in the office. Therefore, it is necessary to keep up the good work in the office so that the organization could easily reach the desired goal in very less time. Thus, it would further ensure productive, effective and cooperative work being performed in the work sector (Masuda, 2016).

Belbin’s team role

It is with the following of the key roles of the belbin team it would help the teams and the groups of the organization to create a better understanding and the performance of the team would also be improved. Therefore, the action oriented roles that are to followed by the team members in the office are as shaping the task that is given to the team so that the team could easily structured the work in a plan manner so that the work could be finished on time. Further, the implementing of the task is required to be done so that the task could be performed in the correct manner. Along with that, the finishing of the job is required to be done on time so that there is no delay of the work that is provided to the team to be done. Therefore, the team workers and the coordinators needs to keep a check on the proceeding of the work so that quality work could be obtained by the work sector from the workers of the team (Aime, 2014).

Along with that the cooperation and coordination is to be maintained within the team members. Thus, this falls under the category of the people oriented role. Next that is to be obtained in the belbin team role is the though oriented role. In this role, proper motivation is to be provided to the members of the team so that the team could function in an appropriate manner. This in turn would help the organization to produce the good result and to accomplish the goal that is wants to achieve in the near future. Thus, to accomplish this task the monitoring of the work is required to be performed so that the work that is performed is up to the mark to attain the success in the future. In regard to this, proper training should also be provided to the team members in order to obtain the good task from the team and the quality of the work being maintained in the work sector (Connaughton, 2016).

Thomas kilmann instrument

By using the Thomas kilmann instrument, it would help to develop the leadership quality that would help to maintain the conflict that arises in the work place. Therefore, to avoid the issues and the problems to arise in the work place it is required to adopt the instrument among the team in the work sector. Therefore, it is with the adaptation of the instrument the problem of conflict would reduce in the work place and the avoidance of the conflict would further result in the quality work being obtained in the work place (Schjoedt, 2013).

Demonstration of self-analysis

Thus, it could be said from the above analysis that, if the three-diagonistic tools being taken into consideration then it would help to develop the self skill in the work place. Along with that, the individual would be able to work in a qualitative manner thereby increasing the ability to work in the work sector. Along with hat the building of the proper understanding with the other team members and the building of the trust would also be formulated. Other than that, the individual could also obtain the avoidance of conflict in the work sector (Proehl, 2013).

Therefore, it could be said that it is necessary to have the cooperation and the coordination being maintained among the team members in the office so that proper work flow could be initiated in the job sector easily. Moreover, the work satisfaction could be also obtained from the theories and the models that are discussed in the above. On the other hand, it is through the maintenance of the cooperation and coordination an individual would be able to function in a potential manner in the work place. Thus, to carry out the work in a structured and organized manner it is required to maintain a planning process. Moreover, it is through the planning process the work that is to be performed in the office could be done in an orderly manner (Gilson, 2015).

Presentation of development plan

The development of the plan in the building of the team could be initiated by the several stages that are laid down by tuckman that are as follows:


In this stage, the formation of the team takes place. Where the team members gather in a particular team to put up their action so that the quality work in the organization could be obtained easily (Klotz, 2014).


The working among the team takes place, and before reaching this stage there are several team which fails to reach the stage. In this stage the conflicts between the members takes place.


In this stage, the team members tends to resolve the conflicts and the problems that arise among the members so that the smooth functioning of the team could takes place easily (Carmeli, 2015).


In this stage, the performance between the teams takes place that leads to a better quality work that is obtained by the organization. The team members perform with full potential thereby ensuring that the quality work is obtained in the organization.


In this stage, the difficult work situation arises such that it tends to make the working of the team difficult. Therefore, the situation of uncertainty prevails in this stage (Hoch, 2014).

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It could be concluded from the above discussion that it is necessary to obtain coordination and cooperation in a team or a group such that all the work could be functioned in a proper manner. Therefore, when the groups and teams are considered in a work sector, there is a leader of each group who tends to maintain the discipline of the group. It is through the maintenance of the group in a proper manner the potential outcome of the work would be obtained by the office. On the other hand, it is through the proper maintenance of the group the coordination and cooperation among all the members could be effectively obtained. On the other hand, from the following of the three diagnostic tools that is mentioned in the discussion above. It provides a better working of the team and the group. Moreover, the work satisfaction could be also obtained from the theories and the models that are discussed in the above. On the other hand, it is through the maintenance of the cooperation and coordination an individual would be able to function in a potential manner in the work place. Thus, to carry out the work in a structured and organized manner it is required to maintain a planning process. Therefore, by following the planning chart, it would further encourage the working and the work would also be completed on time.

Reference list

  • Carmeli, A., Dutton, J.E. and Hardin, A.E., 2015. Respect as an engine for new ideas: Linking respectful engagement, relational information processing and creativity among employees and teams.human relations,68(6), pp.1021-1047.
  • Klotz, A.C., Hmieleski, K.M., Bradley, B.H. and Busenitz, L.W., 2014. New venture teams a review of the literature and roadmap for future research.Journal of Management,40(1), pp.226-255.
  • Proehl, R.A., 2013. Enhancing the effectiveness of crossfunctional teams.Team Performance Management: An International Journal.
  • Gilson, L.L., Maynard, M.T., Young, N.C.J., Vartiainen, M. and Hakonen, M., 2015. Virtual teams research 10 years, 10 themes, and 10 opportunities.Journal of Management,41(5), pp.1313-1337.
  • Levi, D., 2015.Group dynamics for teams. Sage Publications.
  • Schjoedt, L., Monsen, E., Pearson, A., Barnett, T. and Chrisman, J.J., 2013. New venture and family business teams: understanding team formation, composition, behaviors, and performance.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,37(1), pp.1-15.
  • Connaughton, S.L., 2016. Virtual Teams.The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication.
  • Aime, F., Humphrey, S., DeRue, D.S. and Paul, J.B., 2014. The riddle of heterarchy: Power transitions in cross-functional teams.Academy of Management Journal,57(2), pp.327-352.
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